Debunking myths about suicide

Facts Connecting NGO

What are the warning signs to pick up on if someone is feeling suicidal?

How can you support someone going through a tough time?

What should you consider before reaching out to someone feeling, low distressed and/or suicidal?

Facts Connecting NGO

It’s okay not to be okay.

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Youth And Mental Health

Our world is home to 1.8 billion people of age of 10-24 years, contributing about one-fourth of the total world population. India has the highest number of this age group with 356 million, despite having a smaller population than China. Young age is a formative phase with major impacts on the future. Taking care of [...]

Akanksha Kulkarni

There are multiple factors that in our life. We are not even aware that some of these may come in disguises. We often think if someone is pregnant or has a new baby, that woman should be naturally happy and fulfilled. But in these phases can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety and fatigue. After [...]

NGO In India

Connecting Trust is a leading non-governmental organisation in India that is working to bring about large-scale systemic changes in the mental health field by making mental health institutions, systems, and communities intersectional and inclusive. We are committed to ensuring that all people have access to mental health services. Our work is dependent on cross-sectoral collaborations [...]