- Direct and indirect verbal expressions: “I don’t want to live anymore”, “there is nothing to live for anymore”, “people will be better off without me”
- Expressions of hopelessness, helplessness or worthlessness
- Withdrawal from family, friends, and interests
- Preparation to die – means and plans ; giving away prize possessions and/or making a will; tidying up personal affairs; writing notes; making notes on belongings
- Saying goodbyes – Reconnecting with old friends and extended family as if to say goodbye; Previous unresolved or recent suicide attempt(s)
- Unusual happiness and peace after an intense period of turmoil and displaying the above characteristics
- Substance abuse
How to talk to someone thinking of suicide
- Listen to the distressed person with compassion and try to see the world as they see it to understand the distress
- Giving advice in this state might not be effective
- If the person is suicidal don’t leave them alone and remove any means that could be used for suicide
- Take the person to the hospital or emergency room and tell the staff that they are acutely suicidal.
- Call a suicide prevention helpline
- Seek professional help from a psychologist , counsellor, psychiatrist, or any other healing professional.