About Connecting Trust

Connecting Trust was formed in July 2005 by a group of concerned citizens under the guidance of Arnavaz Damania. The group had a fervent desire to extend support to those experiencing emotional distress. Several volunteers contributed their time and effort to the cause, making it possible for Connecting to expand both the scope as well as the reach of its work.

Connecting Trust was founded on the vision of creating a caring and compassionate world where everyone is connected to life. Connecting Trust works to prevent suicide by creating awareness and to provide support to those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Connecting NGO program aim to create awareness for suicide prevention, reduce stigma and shame associated with mental health and suicide and to create support groups in the community who are trained to respond to mental health crisis.

In 2008, Connecting Trust took a huge step forward by launching a Helpline for those in distress or feeling suicidal. Since then Connecting Trust has added several new initiatives including the Peer Educators Program, the Suicide Survivors Program and the Awareness Program.


It’s okay not to be okay.

Call Us, We Care – 9922004305 ; 9922001122

Lines open daily from 10 am to 8 pm

Walk-In for an in-person conversation. Appointment-based only on Wednesdays 2-5 pm.
For an appointment text or WhatsApp message at 8484033312

Write To Us: distressmailsconnecting@gmail.com

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